Much of the work is based on the lovely onedark.vim color scheme. palenightĪ dark color scheme for Vim/Neovim based off the Material Pale Night color scheme. This selection should allow you to explore other options. Lately, lots of color schemes have been inspired by the original One Dark color scheme of the Atom Editor and by the Google Material color palette, and as a consequence, all those themes can sometimes feel all pretty similar. It seems dark themes are prominent in the vim color schemes community, and you have lots of different options in this category. I'll still cover two light color schemes that I really appreciate at the end of this post. I am very much of a dark-theme guy, so most of my recommendations here will be dark themes. I mainly work with ruby, javascript and markdown on a daily basis, with Neovim in a regular iTerm2 terminal (all those themes should render pretty well in modern vims as well, as long as you have true colors configured). This post merely reflects my own tastes and the themes listed here are the ones that I prefer and have worked with the most. So here's a selection of the color schemes I've used the most over the past few years. Eventually, many of the color schemes that were once popular now feel outdated, compared to more recent options. In the same time, several "modern" text editors appeared and encounter success those last years such as Sublime Text, Atom, VS Code, and they all came with new pretty solid default color schemes, when previously, most editors came with… let's say basic color schemes. Since the introduction of true colors terminals, you're not limited to a 256 colors palette anymore and therefore, lots of new fancy color schemes appeared over the course of the past years. The color scheme landscape has changed a lot lately. I've been a vim user for a long time now, and a color schemes nerd for quite a while as well.